When do I get my Spark Driver trip earnings?
Drivers who set One Cash as their primary earnings method in the Spark Driver Portal can get trip earnings instantly after every trip. Tips, earned incentives, adjustments, and subsidies will post when they are confirmed and processed (subject to eligibility).
Tips arrive 24-48 hours after a trip and incentives arrive weekly on Tuesdays.
Is there a fee to get my trip earnings through One?
It's free to get your trip earnings through One Cash.
How do I set my earnings method to One Cash?
Tap here to log in to the Spark Driver Portal and navigate to the Earnings page. Tap on “Manage earnings accounts,” then select One Cash.
If approved, your primary earnings method will automatically be set to One Cash.
When will I start to receive my Spark Driver trip earnings into my One Cash account?
After you select One Cash as your primary earnings method:
- For new drivers, your trip earnings will be deposited instantly into One Cash after every trip. Tips, earned incentives, adjustments, and subsidies will post when they are confirmed and processed (subject to eligibility)
- For existing drivers who switch to One Cash, trip earnings you make starting Monday of the following pay period will be deposited after every trip
Where do I see my trip earnings in the One app?
Your Spark Driver trip earnings will appear in the Debit section of your One app.
If you are enrolled in Pay Autosave, that portion of your earnings will be deposited into your Savings.
Can I use One Cash before I start earning through the Spark Driver app?
Yes. Add money to use your One Cash account right away so you can start earning cash back, saving, and more.